Our Studio pictures

En Pointe School of Ballet is located within a residential area.  Please drive slowly.  Do not speed!

Please do not block neighbors’ driveways or mail boxes. Please be courteous to my wonderful neighbors.

When you need to come into the studio, please park in line with the correct flow of traffic or in my driveway if possible.

Always make sure that your child gets inside before pulling away. Students should never wait outside for their ride. All young dancers should be walked to and from the studio by a parent or guardian.

Pictures of Our Beautiful Upstairs Studio

Our Beautiful Downstairs Rehearsal Studio

Artwork in our studio by my daughter, Mariah

Our Original Logo was also designed by Mariah Ellis in 2009

Our Original Logo was also designed by Natasha Ellis in 2017

If you would like to be a part of our fun ballet studio
Call now to place your name on our waiting list.
Class sizes are limited.

Our studio is open year round
so we have classes during the summer too!

The best way to contact me for a quick response
is through email at